An Excellent Example Of Being Human | Health | Empowerment | Self-love With Tory Dube

Luscious Hustle with Betsy Milne and Laura Milne



Betsy Milne and Laura Milne are transformational business and branding coaches on a mission to empower women with the tools and motivation needed to turn a spark of an idea into full- fledged business and sought-after brand. So you’re probably thinking they’re sisters? Nope, total strangers that just happen to have the same last name.   Born from the ashes of burnout, Luscious Hustle was created to redefine what it means to "hustle" as an online entrepreneur. In less than a year, they harnessed their passion to build a six-figure business that supported the lifestyle and time- freedom they craved.   In this wide-ranging conversation on the power of women in business, the three of us discuss how to use the moon cycle in your business, how not to screw up your kids, Betsy and Laura’s soul contract, and much more. This interview will give a positive boost to all women seeking to tap into their soul’s calling.   And I also have an announcement to make - this will be the last interview episode for the Excellent Ex