The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

2: Management Smoke And Mirrors In Japan



Dale Carnegie Training Japan:    "I don’t understand!". Well in Nippon, particularly, what a pandora’s box or treasure trove that statement is, depending on your point of view. Employees who respond in this way may have a number of subterranean issues bubbling away. As managers, our ability to plumb the depths of what they are saying is integral for success. Here are 5 hidden meanings behind that "I don’t understand" response. Gauging which one applies is the combined IQ and EQ test for managers. Here are few hints on passing the test and getting your just reward – keeping your job! 1 – They don’t know what to do They may genuinely not understand the task content or have enough experience to execute what you require of them. They may not want to "fess up" to their lack of ability, because they fear the consequences. 2 – They don’t know how to do it Funnily enough common sense is not so common it would appear. What is obvious to a seasoned, experienced manager may be "Swahili" to