The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

10: The Nine Step Innovation Process



Dale Carnegie Training Japan: Idea generation needs to be done quickly and well. In our busy lives, time out to think has become a scarce resource. “The leader knows everything, just follow orders” is a construct for failure. Organisations need to draw on the full brainpower and experience of the whole team, and the leader’s job is to tap into that rich vein. We all probably assume that technology firms have such innovation processes in place, but this is not the case. You would be surprised to know that many innovators seem to have the individual R&D components set up, but no overall guiding process. Below is a nine-step process that is fast, comprehensive and simple to execute.Step 1. VisualisationThis requires some hard and clear thinking around the “should be”, the ideal future we want to achieve. It sounds simple, but there are many interacting parts in the corporate machine, and we need to visualise how we can get them all working together to achieve the ideal outcome.