Minister's Toolbox

EP 203: How A Local Church Helped One Man Beat Suicide



Have you ever felt lost in your life, with no hope, no options, no direction, and fear so suffocating you couldn't breathe and wanted to die because it would be easier? Sadly, 40% of Americans are dealing with at least one mental health or drug-related problem which was only exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Suicide is a global public health crisis, causing around 800,000 deaths annually along with many more attempts.* Men demonstrate higher suicide rates than women at all times and across regions and ethnic and socioeconomic groups. And young adults, especially young men, are handling the pandemic the hardest. With almost 75% struggling, what is even more alarming is that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say 1 in 4 said men had thought about killing themselves in the past 30 days. Thomas Russo, Jr. has been in their shoes and has risen above multiple challenges to find the solution to finding success in life. Through his book, There Are No Politics In Heaven, motivational speaking, and new