The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

78: Salespeople Should Be Principled



Salespeople Should Be Principled   In 1936 an unknown author, despite many frustrating years of writing and rejections, finally managed to get his manuscript taken up by a major publishing house.  That book became a classic in the pantheon of self-help books – “How to Win Friends and Influence People”.  Surprisingly, many people in sales have never read this work.  Plato, Socrates, Marcus Aurelius etc., were all around substantially prior to 1936 and we still plumb their insights. Dale Carnegie has definitely joined that circle of established thinkers, offering wisdom and valuable ideas.  His aim was to help all of us be better with each other, particularly in a business context.  He did this by laying down some principles, which will make us more successful in dealing with others, especially those people not like us.   Salespeople should definitely be friendly.  Ancient Chinese wisdom noted, “ a man who cannot smile should not open a shop”.   Here are nine principles for helping us all to become friendlier w