The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

79: How to Avoid The New Year Blues



How To Avoid The New Year Blues   The end of each year is a pain.  We are racing to get things completed in one year, so that they won’t spill over and mess up the next year.  We are usually rushing around before we head off on holidays, to get it all done.  Being so busy we have zero time to reflect on the year that was.  Presumably, we are learning from our mistakes. Normally we are encountering these errors of judgment one at a time and rarely can sit back and observe the lessons learnt with quiet reflection.  The change over of years could be a good time for reflection and study, but the rush to finish, to escape to somewhere else, all combine to reduce that scope.   Did your year finish with a weighty burden of emails, not deleted, delegated or decided upon.  That is a very depressing prospect with which to welcome in the next year.  Is there a minor Amazonian forest of paper riding high in your in-basket and supported by subsidiary piles on your desk, choking your work space.  Is there a bunch of fine d