The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

88: Business Five Step Storytelling



Business Five Step Storytelling     Best intentions, higher callings, righteousness – all good stuff but without good communication, our efforts fail.  Instinctively, we all know storytelling is a great communication tool, but the word itself is a problem.  We associate it with bedtime stories and therefore the idea sounds a bit childish.  In the modern era, Hollywood talks about the arc of the story or in politics, the media punishes the lack of narrative.  Actually, this is storytelling just dressed up in more formal attire.   The other problem with storytelling is that we are not very good at it.  It seems too simple, so we gravitate to more complex solutions – frameworks, theories, models, four box quadrants, pyramids, Venn diagrams – anything to appear more convoluted and pseudo-intelligent.  If we present something complex, we must be smart.  On the other hand, anyone can tell a story.  Ah…but can they?    How many really good business stories have you heard lately?  Have you been captured by the speak