The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

90: How Do You Make People Feel?



How Do You Make People Feel?   We are all pretty average on recalling events, people’s names, locations, sequences, etc., but we are geniuses on remembering feelings.  We are especially good on how people made us feel.  Stop, recall, reflect - how do you make others feel?  Are you a master of the snappy remark, a character assassin brilliantly wielding the sharp put down, a notorious one-upper, a sarcastic sadist?  Or are you a builder of friendships, confidences, trust, regard, cooperation, fans and followers?   Business is deemed to be logical – cool, balanced, unswerving on the road to greater efficiencies.  Ironically, we are such emotional beings trying to be detached, but we are usually not very good at it though.  Dale Carnegie noted, “When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic , but creatures of emotion”.  We forget this advice at our peril.  Ever find yourself still chewing over some ancient injustice?  The precise details may grow dim in the mists of time but the