The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

92: Mad Terrorists and Middle Managers



Mad Terrorists and Middle Managers   “They are looking for a place where they are highly valued, feel they are needed, and are praised for being useful to others”.  Professor of Social Psychology at Rissho University in Tokyo, Kimiaki Nishida was quoted in the local media commenting on why young people join terrorist groups like Aum Shinrikyo or the Islamic State.  I was struck by the similarities to the problems confronting Middle Managers in Japan dealing with Millennials.    Japan is facing a crisis with succession planning.   This is driven by a demographic pivot where the number of young people entering the workforce will decline faster than demand for their services. The social and political debate about immigration to curb this demographic spiral downwards hasn’t even begun yet.  Anti-Korean groups paraded through areas in Tokyo and Osaka, populated with a high concentration of Koreans, promulgating hate-speech and screaming for these Koreans, mostly second, third and fourth generation locals to leave