The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

98: Chinese Tourist Tsunami Stress



Chinese Tourist Tsunami Stress   You know you have adjusted to Japan when you get totally annoyed by visiting Chinese tourist’s behavior.  This is the latest incarnation of the 1950s “Ugly American” and the bubble era “Ugly Japanese” phenomenon.  Remember all of those provincial Japanese tourists roaming the planet in the late 1980s? The nouveau riche Chinese are now spreading around the globe, busily devouring the sights, sounds and tastes of different worlds.  The OECD calculated there were 157 million middle class Chinese in 2009.  They expect this number will grow to over 1 billion in 15 years time.  Multiply the numbers of Chinese tourists visiting Japan by at least a factor of six and we will “live in interesting times”.    Shop entry points are favourite gathering spots for multitudes of wheeled luggage bearing continental tourists, especially when it is raining.  On nicer days, sprawling out on the sidewalk in front of gorgeous Ginza boutiques seems natural when you are so tired from all that vigorou