The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

103: How To Retain Your Millennials (Part 1)



How To Retain Your Millennials (Part 1)   Kids today! Each generation struggles to understand why their successors are so different (and usually, by definition, “useless”).  The Millennial cohort are those born between 1982 and 2000.  This is a key group, especially in Japan, because they are not making enough of them any more.    Over the last 20 years, the population of 15-24 years olds has halved.   Recruiting and retaining young staff has become a big pain for all of us.  The war for talent means we have to learn quickly how to understand them and what they want.  To those firms who just don’t get it, a big Arigatoo!  Please keep training these Millennials so we can poach them.    Dale Carnegie and MSWOARS have been doing major research on engaging employees and recently focused specifically on Millennials.  The overall results show that 30% of Millennials are fully engaged, another 56% are partially engaged and 14% are disengaged.  So what? Well, engaged staff are more likely to stay and so let’s dig d