The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

104: How To Retain Your Millennials (Part 2)



How To Retain Your Millennials (Part 2)   In Part One, we looked at what were the drivers for retaining and engaging Millennials, based on The Dale Carnegie MSWOARS research.  Personal life issues we have already covered, so now let’s look at the issues around the work environment and organizational leadership.    Being recognized by their immediate supervisor was important to Millennials.  This sounds simple, but in the real world how many supervisors give meaningful positive feedback to their staff? Being told “good job” is basically useless, unless what we did is actually specified.  In Japan, the older generation of leaders do not have a habit of handing out anything other than “tough love”.  Are your middle managers recognizing the work of your Millennials – if not it might be a good time to do some more leadership training in this area.   Millennials are also looking for support and help in their work.  The amount of free time bosses have is limited and though honoured in principle, in practice not a l