The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

113: Negotiating With Mr. and Ms. Huge Pain



Negotiating With Mr. and Ms. Huge Pain   Sadly, not everyone is like us – wonderful, charming, amusing, attractive.  Despite our best efforts to be a role model of perfection, setting them a good example, others persist in being a major pain.  Here are 12 selective tips on negotiating with the difficult amongst us.   1. Have a positive attitude Sounds like a motherhood statement but deciding to see the negotiation as a learning experience in the real laboratory of life, as a means to enhance our win-win negotiating skills, changes the starting point of the discussion in our favour.   2. Meet on mutual ground Try to meet, rather than engage in a protracted email war or discuss complex issues over the phone.  Face to face is best and preferably on neutral ground for both of you.  Away from the workspace is often best, such as over coffee or lunch, away from the office.   3. Clearly define and agree on the issue Sometimes we are arguing about different things under the same banner.  By defining the issue in comm