The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

123: Atarashi San And The Big Japan Breakthrough



Atarashi San And The Big Japan Breakthrough Ever heard that a training course changed somebody's life? "It was good", "I enjoyed it", “I learnt something new”, maybe.  Warren Buffett, the famous American billionaire investor is a huge Dale Carnegie fan and often mentions in TV interviews how the Dale Carnegie course changed his life.  Being in Japan, it is great to hear a leading local businessman like Mr. Masami Atarashi say the very same thing. He is very well known in Japan and spends his time writing, adding to the 40 books he has already published and giving public speeches as well as training to executives.  Previously he headed up Johnson & Johnson, Philips, and Hallmark in Japan as President.  Last Thursday evening, he gave a brilliant talk at our graduate party on being successful in business in Japan. He also shared with me how the course impacted him, "The Dale Carnegie Course changed my life. When I was asked to make a speech to an audience or to a customer etc., I trembled with fear and I was