The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

127: Mr. Kurokawa’s Real Japanese Customer Service



Mr. Kurokawa’s Real Japanese Customer Service   I am sure you have you seen notices explaining that this location is going to close while the building is being reconstructed and that it will reopen at a specified day in the future? Given the increasingly stringent earthquake code here in Tokyo, we are seeing many businesses opting to re-build their premises. One notice however has become much talked about amongst Japanese retailers. Toraya are a famous traditional Japanese sweets manufacturer and retailer. Mr. Mitsuhiro Kurokawa is the 17th generation of his family to lead the business and his “we are rebuilding” notice is considered outstanding, even in a country where omotenashi is renowned.   Most such notices tell facts, supply relevant data and provide the obligatory greetings about serving us again when they reopen. Kurokawa san did all of that but much more. He put the current change in historical perspective, noting the business started in Kyoto in 1586 toward the end of the Muromachi (1338-1573) peri