Brandwidth On Demand

Branding: Your Station, Your Career or BOTH? Guest: Marketing & Media Guru TOM ASACKER



Often described as a catalyst and nonconformist, branding expert Tom Asacker writes, speaks, and coaches Fortune 500 companies about radically new practices and ideas for marketplace success in times of uncertainty and change. He is a former GE executive, recipient of the George Land Innovator of the Year Award, and cohosted Media Unplugged with media researcher Mark Ramsey. Insights you won't want to miss: (1:57) From Covid to civil unrest, we live in interesting times…Tom predicts that no matter what ‘it’ is, it will change the world. We ask Tom what this means for the notion of BRANDS and branding in general, and specifically...MEDIA BRANDS? (5:59) We learn why only the CREATIVE survive and explores ways that radio people can harness creativity to remain relevant enough to KEEP their audiences. (8:07) Tom reveals how today's successful brands differ from others ─ and what that means for future marketing and advertising – especially in an audio medium? (9:51) We learn the key questions Tom thinks traditiona