Indie By Design Podcast

IBD #18 - YoYo Games on GameMaker Studio, creating tools that create games



This week's IBD podcast features James Cox and Mike Dailly, general manager and head of development respectively at YoYo Games, curators of the GamerMaker Studio toolset. That makes this episode of the podcast a bit different to the norm, because while we usually speak to the people behind the games, this week we're speaking to the people behind the people behind the games. The first iteration of Gamer Maker, called Animo, was released by Mark Overmars in 1999. Since then it's gone through dozens of iterations on its way to Game Maker 8.1, before becoming the multiplatform-supporting GameMaker: Studio in 2012 and now, as of March 2017, GameMaker Studio 2. Many, many games that you'll have heard of and probably played have been created using this software, and so we sat down with James and Mike to talk about helping developers create many a memorable title, the democratisation of tools, learning on the job, combating hackers and piracy and much more.   Brought to you by the writers and creators of Independent