Saving The Game

Episode 186 - Brainstorming a Haunted House



Spooky fall continues with creative collaboration episode! We start with a check-in and some news - we can now be found on the app and, should either of those strike your fancy. We all had fairly decent weeks leading up to recording, and kick off with a discussion that rapidly leads into "what have you been reading?" Our Patreon Question this week comes from Aaron Arnold, who asks "What's your view on how today's culture affects the way you game with strangers? If at all." That question, as you might imagine, sparks a nice, meaty discussion. From there, we read our scripture and launch into a rare creative collaboration with all three hosts - this time putting our heads together to build a haunted house. But not just any haunted house. A haunted mcmansion smart house. Yeah, we went for it. Buckle up folks, our imaginations were firing on all cylinders this time! Scripture: Leviticus 26:27-35, Isaiah 13: 19-22, John 1:5, John 8:12 Mentioned in this episode: Fortnight