Escaping The Cave: The Toddzilla X-pod

#30 - Renouncing Patriotism And The Nationalist Boomerang



Todd, Chris, and Rich discuss how the left always inadvertently triggers heated nationalism with its self-defeating renouncement of patriotism and Zinnification: exploiting idealistic naiveté; how Zinnified agitation propaganda attacks national unity by destroying symbols and cohesively fictitious myths.    Also:  “Racism” isn’t a "white thing" nor exclusively an American trait The ridiculous notion that propaganda-farting fleshbots are “changing minds” The slow crawl of social progress  Paying Granddaddy’s social debts Immigration and "becoming American" “Socialism rules!" Then why was there a Berlin Wall? Your special personal experience doesn’t matter Child Worship? But, children are literally ignorant   *Like it? SPREAD IT!  F**k The Zuckerbeast & Twitter. YOU are my marketing team. *Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, YouTube, and your favorite podcatcher. *Also check out and