Escaping The Cave: The Toddzilla X-pod

#49 - Propaganda Blindspots & The Constituent Mob



Institutions fail and democracy descends into mob rule when representative are paralyzed and terrorized by fear of their voters. Trump, Ukraine, and 2020's year-long electoral reality show disguised as an idealistic impeachment. Informational sectarianism and how it's easy to see "their" propaganda. Yours? Never! Their demagogue is your savior. There may be a way for a detaching informational unicorn treat that. MSNBC, CNN, and FOX are Pepsi, Coke, and Dr. Pepper; when everything is spin and propaganda, who's a political infidel supposed to believe?  Also:  Alternate Informational Universes  Half-assed media sophistication: not enough Why can't we watch the opposition's media without going nuts? Our dueling scandals aren't automatically mutually exclusive More on the the Current Events Man  Media isn't free. You are the product being sold.    *Like it? Share it. You are the "marketing" team. * Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, YouTube, and and podcatcher that doesn't suck. * Also check out www.christophe