Higher Ed Live

Student Affairs Live - When We Mess Up: Critical Reflections & Strategies for Well-Intended White People in Student Affairs



Conversations about social justice, racial justice, diversity, and inclusion work in student affairs abound. And yet, on occasion our well-intended speech (or silence) or action (or inaction) harms others. If White people desire to grow, learn, and be more effective in working against racism, how can we engage in critical reflections on our mistakes so to be better aspiring allies for racial justice? In this episode of Student Affairs Live, host Heather Shea Gasser connects with a panel of educators who identify as White to share their critical reflections on when they have messed up and the lessons learned. We will also engage in critical reflection of how we can remain in the conversation and participate in ongoing healing work as part of our shared liberation. During the episode, we will discuss: Our critical reflections on our own personal stories of messing up. How we respond and react when we unintentionally cause harm within conversations on diversity, inclusion, or social justice. How White people can