Higher Ed Live

Higher Ed Live: Special Edition - The Value of Earned Media



As a PR professional, your lifeblood is to gain publicity for your brand through earned media. All those mentions and impressions across digital and television channels build validity in your audience’s eyes and more importantly, trust. Your consumers will likely base their judgments and buying decisions off your earned media coverage more than your own advertising. If earned media is so powerful, then why isn’t it being measured like paid media traditionally has been? For decades, marketing and advertising professionals have relied on concrete data to prove solid ROI around their efforts. The same can’t exactly be said for PR professionals, but now it’s time to follow suit. Join Kye Strance, PR industry expert and CEO of iQ media, as he demonstrates the full value of earned media, from the data you should be tracking, to the metrics that can deliver success and demonstrate ROI for your communications program in higher education. In this session, you will learn: ● How to assess your media footprint across all