Higher Ed Live

Admissions Live - Next Level Admission Decisions



It's October so students are stressing about college applications and admission offices are pulling their hear out over numbers, funnels, and shaping their class. In 2013, the National Association of College Admissions Counselors (NACAC) reported that 32 percent of college freshmen applied to seven or more colleges - up 10 percent from 2008. It can be argued that this trend has disrupted the college admissions world in good ways – increasing college access – and not-so-good-ways – intense pressure to stand out among your peers both for prospective students and colleges and universities. In this episode of Admissions Live, we will explore how new platforms, like ZeeMee, and strategies can help Admission Offices make next level admission connections and, ultimately, decisions and give prospective college students the platform to stand out without stressing out.