Higher Ed Live

Student Affairs Live - Dismantling Racism: Tools for Student Affairs Educators



On a previous episode, we explored mistakes that well-intended white student affairs educators made while trying to be allies to colleagues and communities of color on their campuses. These mistakes often highlight the need for whites to engage in more self-work and skill development around dismantling institutionalized racism. Many student affairs educators see potential in organizing and supporting self-work in order to be more active and effective change agents for racial justice on campus. Through engaging stories and concrete examples and tools, Dr. Kathy Obear shares her own personal struggles and the common challenges and obstacles many white people face as they work to create more equitable, inclusive organizations in her new book …But I’m Not Racist! Tools for Well-Meaning White People. On this episode of Student Affairs Live, host Heather Shea speaks with Dr. Obear about the critical need for whites to recognize how often they unintentionally react out of racist beliefs and learn to change their be