Higher Ed Live

Student Affairs Live - Leadership Lessons you won't Learn in a Book



There are a plethora of degrees, scholarly articles, self-improvement books, trainings, workshops, and conferences available to leaders today. With all this educational material, there is certainly knowledge to be gained through formalized study, yet, these pursuits often fail to capture the nuances and challenges of day-to-day leadership. Join our guests as they share practical lessons, strategies, and tips they've learned on the job. How do you stand out in the profession? What is the difference between managing and leading? How can you be a top-performer while maintaining work-life balance? How do you improve self-awareness? What is the key to transitioning from specialist to generalist to cross functional teams? How can you manage both down and up the organization? On this episode of Student Affairs Live, host Tony Doody speaks with Dr. Ann Marie Klotz, Dean for Campus Life on the Manhattan campus of the New York Institute of Technology, Dr. David E. Jones, Director of the Paul Robeson Cultural Center at