Unrefined Mettle Podcast

Episode 24 ~ Age Old: Loving the Idea of Aging Disgracefully



I'm (Maura) publishing this episode quite a bit later in the day than I normally do - and that's not because I've forgotten... or, perhaps we can blame it on aging??  Who knows!  Either way, here's the latest episode of the podcast in which we discuss all the ways we may or may not be disgracefully aging.  And you know what?  That's okay!  There are things about growing old that WE get to define - and once you reach a certain age, you just stop giving a shit about what other people think.  Okay, okay - for some of us, that may have come a long time before eligibility for the Seniors' Discount is a thing... but still!  PS.  Kate started her treatment for MS today - make sure you stop by and read her beautiful blog at www.unrefinedmettle.ca/blog  Don't forget to write to us! unrefinedmettlepodcast@gmail.com | FB: Unrefined Mettle | Twitter: @unrefinedmettle | Instagram: Unrefined Mettle     xx, M.