Visual And Performing Arts Hs Podcast

Weekly Updates Feb. 2, 2020



Weekly Updates Feb. 2, 2020 Hello VAPA Community! This is Dr. Trimis with a few announcements! Monday is a late-start day. ¡Hola Comunidad de VAPA! Este es el Dr. Trimis con algunos anuncios!  El lunes es un día de inicio tardío. Congratulations to our Academic Decathlon Team (ACADECA) coached by Mr. Avalos who completed their competition season with individual speeches, interviews, and the Super Quiz event on Saturday. VAPA is one of the elite 65 high schools out of 249 high schools in LAUSD who offers a program. Already, the team is recruiting for next year’s team. Any interested students should see Mr. Avalos. Congratulations also to the Legacy Marching Band who ended their marching season on Saturday with the Chinese New Years Parade. Cheer and Color Guard also marched with the band and will be both be competing in their own Spring competition season in the next 4 months.  Lastly, congratulations to our Winter Sports teams who are having great seasons. This Wednesday is the last regular game of the W