Visual And Performing Arts Hs Podcast

Weekly Updates March 8, 2020



Hello VAPA Community! This is Dr. Trimis with a few announcements! Monday is a late-start day. ¡Hola Comunidad de VAPA! Este es el Dr. Trimis con algunos anuncios!  El lunes es un día de inicio tardío. VAPA students have had a busy weekend! Congratulations to all of our students in the Aurora Showchoir who competed in the Burbank Blast competition on Friday at Burbank High School and to all of our SRLA Runner who ran the LA Marathon today as well as our Legacy Cheer Team were cheered them on at Mile 18 of the course! Congrats also to the Junior Class who came out in force on Saturday for the first of 4 Saturday College Prep Math Academy review sessions! The hard working juniors have three more Saturdays before Spring Break and the high-stakes Smarter Balanced Assessments. A big thanks to all of our directors, coaches, and math educators for their hard work and dedication to our students.   We wish the best of luck to all of our groups performing this Saturday at the Eastside Arts Festival at Torres High Sch