Visual And Performing Arts Hs Podcast

Weekly Updates March 29, 2020



Weekly Updates March 29, 2020 Hello VAPA Community! This is Dr. Trimis with a few announcements! ¡Hola Comunidad de VAPA! Este es el Dr. Trimis con algunos anuncios!   This week we are in our third week of instruction delivered to our students as the Legacy Visual and Performing Arts Virtual Academy! Please note that teachers will be holding regular office hours for students and parents to visit online three times a week and these will be posted on our website and social media platforms. During the office hour, you may contact the teacher through e-mail, telephone if they have set-up a phone line for that, and some teachers will be holding open video conferences. I will have three office hours a week, as well, and though I will try to keep them on the same days and times, they are subject to change depending on my schedule. This week I will have a Student Virtual Breakfast with the Principal on Monday at 10 am, Staff Virtual Afternoon Tea with the Principal on Tuesday at 3:30 pm, and  Parent and Community