Visual And Performing Arts Hs Podcast

Weekly Updates Oct. 11, 2020



Weekly Updates Oct. 11, 2020 Hello VAPA Community! This is Dr. Trimis with a few announcements. This is a regular week with Monday being a late-start-day, Per. 1 begins at 10 am. Hola comunidad VAPA! Este es el Dr. Trimis con algunos anuncios. Esta es una semana normal y el lunes es un día de inicio tardío. El período uno comienza a las diez de la mañana. We are now in our Zone of Choice Enrollment Drive. We have several recruitment events planned over the coming weeks concluding with our VAPA Zone of Choice Open House on October 28. Click for FLIER. Please get the word out about our wonderful school. Our goal for 2021-22 is 500 students. Please note that students who are interested in playing a sport, should get a physical and complete online sports packets at Please go to for more info and contact e-mails for our coaches if you have sport-specific questions. Please turn in physicals to the VAPA office AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. They are picked up every Friday.