Visual And Performing Arts Hs Podcast

Weekly Updates 3-14-21



Weekly Updates March 14, 2021 Hello VAPA Community! This is Dr. Trimis with a few announcements. Este es el Dr. Trimis con algunos anuncios. Monday is an early release day with Per. 1 starting at 9 am. El lunes es un día de salida anticipada con Period quatro a partir de las nueve. March is Women’s History Month, Music in our Schools Month, Arts Education Month, and Standing With Immigrant Families Awareness Month. We have plenty going on this week! You may have heard we are set to return to in-person/hybrid instruction in Late April. Please join us for a Virtual Legacy Community Town Hall on Monday at 5 pm when we will discuss plans for the reopening and answer questions anyone may have. The Zoom Webinar Meeting ID is 846 5626 2731. Please be sure to complete your survey specifying hybrid/in-person or 100% online learning when we return in April on or before Friday at 10-Week Grades are due from teachers this week and Progress Reports will be sent out shortly afte