Visual And Performing Arts Hs Podcast

Weekly Updates May 22, 2021



Hello VAPA Community! This is Dr. Trimis with a few announcements! Monday is a A-Day with Per. 1-2-3-T and advisories meeting. Please note school is over for students at 2:20 pm every day. This is another big week as we press towards the end of the year! On MONDAY we will distribute senior shorts to all graduating seniors on Tweedy in front of the Welcome Center from 8:30-9 am and 2:30-3:30 pm. All seniors are asked to wear their new senior shirts to our graduation meeting at 8:30 am on Thursday on Zoom. Hybrid/in-person students need to be in class at 8:30 am so they can log-in with the rest of the students in the 8:30 am online advisory class. Senior Advisory teachers will post information on Schoology and remind students tomorrow. The Webinar Meeting Code is 872 1966 0925 and the Passcode is 2021rocks. We will have a PARENT/GUARDIAN Graduation meeting for all parents/guardians of graduating seniors on Thursday at 5 pm on Zoom. The