Script Vs Screen

Ep. 37 - People vs OJ Simpson



In our final episode of season 3 we take a look at the show of 2016 People v. OJ Simpson: American Crime Story. This dramatic look at the crime of the century, is well cast, well acted (for the most part), and most importantly recaptures the fascination the country had in the murders of Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman by OJ Simpson. Ryan Murphy, FX and the writers behind American Crime Story: The People v. OJ Simpson really outdid themselves with this series, capturing the frenzy sensationalism that this case represented. In ten episodes race, politics, sexism, crime, the justice system and celebrity are all discussed deftly, making this series one of the best in 2016.  The pilot kicks the series off with enough gore, camp, and information on the case to hook you in. If you have not already checked out FX's People v. OJ Simpson, find out now what the entire nation had experienced back in 1995.