Good Law | Bad Law

Citizenship Stripping: A Conversation w/ Amanda Frost



Aaron Freiwald, Managing Partner of Freiwald Law and host of the weekly podcast, Good Law | Bad Law, is joined by law professor, Amanda Frost, of the Washington College of Law at American University, to discuss the rights of citizenship, citizenship stripping and denaturalization, sexism and xenophobia, as well as Professor Frost’s new book, You Are Not American: Citizenship Stripping from Dred Scott to the Dreamers. What is citizenship? Who is a citizen? And furthermore, who decides the answers to these questions?   In today’s conversation, Aaron and Amanda have an incredibly relevant conversation about citizenship in the United States. Citizenship is invaluable and yet, as Amanda explains, it is always at risk. In her new book, Amanda explores the history of citizenship and citizenship stripping over the last two centuries – she explains that the U.S. government has used revoking citizenship (even from those born on American soil) as a tool to cast out its unwanted, suppress dissent, and deny civil rights