This Sacred Life With Shann Vander Leek | Soulful Living | Feminine Sovereignty | Wisdom Teachings

The Language Your Body Speaks with Ellen Meredith



Today on This Sacred life I’ll be speaking with Advanced Energy Medicine Practioner, Ellen Meredith, who just released her new book, The Language Your Body Speaks. Ellen’s goal is to help you activate your own inner guidance and recognize your unique gifts and purpose.  She has been in training with her inner teachers since 1978 and is an Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner. She offers channeled readings, hands-on and on-line energy medicine sessions, live and videotaped classes, coaching and training for energy healing practitioners, and is the creator of an array of goodies that will help you dialogue with your energies and cultivate well-being in your body, mind, and spirit. Goddess Card - Hathor - Receptivity “Allow yourself to receive. This will increase your intuition, energy, and ability to give to others. Points Covered in this episode: Join us for an exercise to Clear Fear, Ease Ego, and Welcome your Wiser Self.  We discuss why energy dialogue is at the heart of successful energy medici