Critical Faith

The Technology of Religion with Dean Dettloff



What has technology to do with Christianity? This week, we're joined by Dean Dettloff, ICS PhD candidate and podcasting master. Dean is a founding father of Critical Faith, and we were very excited to have him join us once again to share the latest on his journey to ICS, his current dissertation research on technology and Christianity, and his teaching and social activism. After this introduction to what Dean's doing, you can hear more from him (and his co-host Matt Bernico) on their own podcast on Christianity and the Left: The Magnificast. Check out this week's Don't Miss This! items: The 2019 TrueCity Conference in Hamilton, ON: March 1-2 Art Gallery Ontario's new exhibit: Impressionism in the Age of Industry: Monet, Pissarro & More Critical Faith is sponsored by the Centre for Philosophy, Religion, and Social Ethics (CPRSE) at the Institute for Christian Studies in Toronto. For more, visit Music by Matt Bernico.