Critical Faith

Looking Back with the Critical Faith Team



We're gettin' sentimental on this episode of Critical Faith--our last for the 2018-2019 school year. ...In which Gideon joins us back in the studio to look back fondly over the past year's episodes and add his own contributions to our series on worldview questions. ...In which Mark considers the ongoing influence of generations at ICS and expresses his appreciation of interdisciplinarity. ...And in which Danielle, reliable as ever, punctuates the discussion with maniacal laughter. We want to thank you all for joining us over the last year and we hope you'll join us again after the summer to hear all the ideas we have brewing for our ongoing adventures in podcasting!   Be sure to note this week's Don't Miss This! items as we head into summer holidays: 1. ICS's Convocation and the exaugural address of our former president Dr. Doug Blomberg is happening starting at 7pm on May 17. We hope you'll join us in prayer and celebration! If you're able to do so in person, please find details and RSVP here:  http:/