Critical Faith

The Problem is Not the Problem; The Response is the Problem - Season 3 Intro



Critical Faith is back for Season 3! In the spirit of Hannah Arendt, our episodes this semester will be centered on the themes of evil, resistance, and judgment. To warm ourselves back up to the podcasting rhythm, Mark, Danielle, Hector, and Grace got together to have an impromptu conversation about these themes as a kind of pre-introduction introduction to some questions that the themes raise for us in the context of our own work: How do we address paralysis in the face of evil? From where do the resources for resistance arise? Are passing judgments on evil and enacting reconciliation both equally possible? These themes will occupy us and our guests for the rest of the semester, so we hope this episode will whet your appetites for the conversations to come!  Critical Faith is sponsored by the Centre for Philosophy, Religion, and Social Ethics (CPRSE) at the Institute for Christian Studies in Toronto. For more, visit