Critical Faith

Quarantine Special with Mark and Danielle



Have you been wondering how Mark and Danielle can possibly have been keeping themselves busy during these weeks of quarantine? Looking for some new ideas for ways to keep yourself busy? A couple weeks ago, as Toronto entered the first stages of enforcing social distancing, Mark and Danielle tried their hands at recording a Critical Faith episode remotely for the first time. This is the result. Having begun exploring these new technological possibilities, we're planning to return for the final episodes of our intro series on Reformational philosophy in the next couple weeks, and we have some programming plans in the pipeline for over the summer. But for now, just enjoy hearing how we're coping. Links to sources of Isolation Entertainment mentioned in this episode: Instagram live music sessions with Gareth Inkster (@garethinkster) Instagram live morning and evening prayers with Saint Luke's Common (@saintlukescommon): 6:30am on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday; 7:30pm on Wednesday. NYTimes crosswords through the