Critical Faith

Aesthetics of Compassion with Rebekah Smick



Summer's nearly over and we have one more fall course to feature on the podcast before the semester begins in mid-September! Today, Rebekah Smick, Senior Member in Philosophy of Arts & Culture, joins us to talk about her course The Aesthetics of Compassion which reflects on the place of compassion in Western philosophy, theology, and art. Starting September 17, the course will meet virtually this fall, every Thursday from 10am-1pm EST. This--and the rest of our fall courses--are all accessible from all over the world for credit or audit, with a significant discount on course fees for first time auditors and ICS alums--only $400 CAD (plus registration). So if you'd like to find out more about the course or to register,  you can visit the course page on our website or send our Registrar an email at! Critical Faith is sponsored by the Centre for Philosophy, Religion, and Social Ethics (CPRSE) at the Institute for Christian Studies in Toronto. For more, visit www.icscanada.