Critical Faith

Reading the Bible with Nik Ansell: What About Bodies?



How is our agenda for theology related to our gender? This is the third episode in our series on reading the Bible with ICS Senior Member in theology Nik Ansell. This week, Danielle invites Nik to explore in more detail some of the topics of one of his current courses, God/Sex/Word/Flesh. So have a listen to dig deeper into some of the implications our embodiment, gender, and sexualities have on our understandings of God. If you're keen to see the Bible in a new light, you'll want to start this series at the beginning and stick with us for the final episode of this series where we'll tackle some lingering questions from our conversations with Nik. You could read more about God/Sex/Word/Flesh and also join some of Nik's other upcoming courses, including Biblical Foundations which will be starting in the fall, now available remotely.  Here are some links to resources Nik mentions in this episode:  All We're Meant to Be: Biblical Feminism for Today (third edition, Abingdon Press, 1986) by Letha Dawson Scanz