Go Rogue

Content Quantity Vs. Quality when Achieving Your Company's Goals



Shownotes(1:13) What are you obsessed with?(4:00) Quality vs. Quantity(5:46) Quality is subjective(10:31) Make analytics sexy again!(11:41) How to make quality content LinksBryan FittinLoren LewisQuotes“I feel like a lot of companies were doing anything and everything to get the content out there and it was content that didn’t matter.  And so, your feed was just clogged with stuff that you didn’t even care about.  So, I’m actually enjoying that they’ve prioritized in the algorithms more quality content and really been more about the viewer than the company.”  (5:09)“I think you just constantly have to be testing, you have to be serving, and you have to be listening to your audience.” (6:45)“[One piece of advice] that we give to companies that are starting out with their social media marketing is to choose two platforms that you believe your audience is on and really focus there instead of trying to do it all.  That way you can actually be consistent and you can also provide quality content because if you’re t