



the 25th is one of our public service shows. Many of us are in drought, fire threat and have fires around our States, what do you do if you must evacuate? How do we prepare, what is an Emergency Action Plan and what do the various fire evacuation levels mean? We will go over this, and help you prepare your homes and property for fire protection so tune in. 7PM Pacific, only at S-4 Paranormal Radio. Come visit S-4 Paranormal Radio at the Skagit County Fair August 11-14th And at the Marblemount Sasquatch Conference August 28th and 29th at the Marblemount, WA Community CenterForest Moon Paranormal is our group which S-4 Paranormal Radio is the voice for. Forest Moon Paranormal has many other team alliances to help clients with issues in their home and business, go on Bigfoot Expeditions, Sky watches for UFO’s and we will be heading into the mountains to missing persons sites to see what we can find on the paranormal side, check out Missing 411 from the works of David Paulides for more details into what we are lo