In The Classroom With Stan Skrabut

ITC: 129 - 5 Essentials of Active Learning Classroom Design



If our current rank and file classrooms are such a productive learning environment, why doesn’t the campus leadership team use them to conduct their meetings? Instead, they use conference rooms. Quite simply, there is power with discussion. Ideally, we are trying to create a classroom that is student-centered that has a high level of communication, collaboration, and critical thinking. Rank and file classrooms do not achieve this goal. Research has also shown that instructor behavior changes based on the environment. If there is a front of the classroom, that is where the instructor will go and they will then perform from that stage. When considering an active learning classroom: Make the furniture mobile Provide ample workspaces Remove the front of the room Maximize opportunities for creativity and interaction Enhance technology It is important to remember that change to an active learning classroom is for naught if instructors primarily teach using the lecture method. This week we are going to take a clos