Craft Of Charisma

Awareness, Vulnerability, and Deep Intimacy - with Christopher Sunyata



Guest Introduction: Christopher Sunyata coaches people how to lean into intensity while still remaining open and relaxed no matter how challenging life gets, expanding their success at work into success with family and intimate relationships. Drawing upon decades of practice and study under masters of yoga, Taoist exercises, and Buddhist meditation, Christopher teaches us how to access our own depth by learning to listen to and trust our body, reclaiming our passion and life energy, and creating intimate relationships that deepen in love and chemistry over the years. Interview Summary: In this interview, Christopher starts by discussing his background and how he got into the work that he does. He talks about coming to the realization that he was contributing to a lot of dysfunction in his relationship. Christopher also shares his experience studying under David Deida, and explains how he used yoga and breathwork to reconnect with his body and increase intimacy in his relationship. He then recounts a trauma