Craft Of Charisma

Mindset, Charisma, and Influence - with Owen Fitzpatrick



Guest Introduction: Owen Fitzpatrick is an international best selling author, globetrotting psychologist, trainer, and speaker who is regarded as a leading expert on Influence. He has authored and co-authored several books, including “How to Take Charge of Your Life: The User's Guide to NLP” and “The Charismatic Edge: The Art of Captivating and Compelling Communication.” Interview Summary: In this interview, Owen first describes NLP and how he uses it in his work. He explains how to use NLP to reprogram our visualizations and internal dialogue, as well as communicate with and impact others more effectively. He goes into detail on the various factors that affect the way we feel, including our thoughts, self-talk, physiology, and body budget. Owen talks about how we filter the world through our beliefs. He also offers strategies for becoming aware of and changing limiting beliefs and shifting into more of a growth mindset. Owen then gives examples of questions we can ask ourselves to identify obstacles and