Craft Of Charisma

Pleasure, Touch, and Emotion - with Dr. David J. Linden



Guest Introduction: Dr. David J. Linden is a neuroscience professor at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. He is the author of several books, including “The Accidental Mind,” “The Compass of Pleasure,” “Touch,” and his latest book, “Think Tank.” Interview Summary: In this interview, David first discusses how neuroscience and the understanding of the brain has changed over the past several decades. He then explains how our senses are influenced by context, expectation, and emotion, and gives some examples of this. David goes into detail about the logical and emotional parts of the brain, and describes how sensory information diverges to these two parts. He also talks about how damage to the logical or emotional side of the brain manifests. David then explains how signals travel through the brain, as well as how electrical activity becomes unbalanced in certain brain disorders. He goes on to discuss where pleasure comes from, why we experience it, and how our reward circuitry works. David also