Game Knight News

#1 ARKeologist’s Digest: Flyers' Impact on PvP - ARK Survival Evolved Podcast



An ARK survival Evolved podcast where the crew talks about particular topics, features, news, and events about the game. In this week's inaugural episode, the crew talks about flyers in the game and whether or not they destroy the PvP aspect of ARK and if they should be nerfed again which was originally brought up in a post on Reddit. You can also listen and watch the video on YouTube: So sit back and listen to the discussion! Post: All of this week's participants play on Official Server 8 in the tribe called Frozen Throne. Is there a particular topic you would like use to discuss? Do you have a question you'd like answered or a game mechanic explained? Leave it in the comments section below or talk to me via Twitter and we'll answer it on the next episode. Follow me on Twitter - Follow me on Facebook -