Lean Startup

Putting The “Lean” In Lean Startup | Eric Ries & John Shook



This podcast is produced by The Lean Startup Conference, December 9 - 11, 2013 in San Francisco. Visit leanstartup.co for more information. Speakers: Eric Ries and John Shook Although people sometimes think the “lean” part of Lean Startup refers to bootstrapping a company, it actually refers to the lean production systems pioneered decades ago by Toyota. John Shook, CEO of the Lean Enterprise Institute–the MIT spinoff that resulted from the research that coined the term “lean”–will join Eric for a conversation on the origins of the idea, how it relates to Lean Startup practices today and how understanding the connection can make your company’s approach much more profitable. More than just a theoretical discussion, this webcast will include deep insights for advanced entrepreneurs. John and Eric’s conversation will be followed by live Q&A with the webcast attendees, so come with your questions in mind.