Tech Square Atl

The Hot Seat: Non-Tech Jobs in Tech



No matter what your interests and skills are, there is most likely a niche for you in the tech scene. Gone are the days where only engineering degrees allowed one to succeed in the tech sector. Today, for a product to be successful it takes a village of workers with a myriad of talents to launch and sell a product. Roles range from operations, sales/marketing, customer success, UX design, product management, human resources, and community management. Through a round-table conversation and speed mentoring, you’ll learn from non-tech superstars from Panasonic Automotive, Emerson, Sideqik, Keysight, and more. Featuring: Melisa Griffin, Keysight Technologies Sachiyo Zuehlke, Panasonic Automotive Daniel Roberts, Friendly Human Andy Kabistan, Sideqik Louise Wasilewski, Acivilate Kseniya Shelkovskaya, Siemens Lauren Lange, ATDC Fan Ding, Emerson Lance Weatherby, recently CallRail now Weatherby Ventures A HUGE thank you to... ATDC ChooseATL Our mentors Every job seeker And YOU, the audience!